Nut Butter Swirl Black Bean Brownies


Prep time: 7 minutes

Cook time: 17 minutes

Total Time: 24 minutes

Servings: ~9


These brownies contain ZERO refined sugar and are sweetened with locally made honey.

We used Cacao Maca Almond Butter for this recipe but you can use whatever flavour your heart desires.

What you need:

-1 can black bean brownies, drained and rinsed

-2 tbsp cocoa powder

-1/2 cup quick oats

-1/2 cup honey/maple syrup

-1/4 coconut oil, melted

-2 tsp vanilla extract

-1/2 tsp baking powder

-1/4 cup nut butter of choice (I used Cacao Maca Almond Butter)

What to do:

1.     Preheat the oven to 350 F.

2.     Combine all ingredients, except the nut butter, into a food processor or blender and process until completely smooth.

3.     Pour the mixture into an 8x8 greased baking pan and even out.

4.     “Drizzle” the nut butter over the brownie mixture in the pan, then take a spoon and swirl it around until it’s evenly distributed on the surface of the mix. (It doesn’t have to coat the top of the brownie mix entirely, the swirling is mainly for looks, but it should look like an even amount is swirled around the whole surface).

5.     Bake the brownies for about 17-18 minutes, then allow them to cool for about 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

6.     Enjoy!